Cherry Class 2024 - 2025

Cherry Class - Mrs Power (Reception)

Welcome to Cherry Class!

My name is Mrs Power and I am the class teacher, EYFS lead and PE lead.  I have been a teacher at Halebank C of E Primary School for over seven years now and I have taught across most year groups. I love teaching outdoors, allowing the children to explore and interact with the elements around us and helping them gain an understanding of the world we live in. I enjoy working with children, watching them grow and blossom into more independent learners. In my spare time, I enjoy days out with my family visiting new places, especially with my two boys, Charlie and Isaac. 

I work alongside Mrs White who is the teaching assistant for Cherry Class. Mrs White is an experienced and nurturing teaching assistant who works hard to support myself and the children. 


Our Class PE is on a Friday; your child is to come into school in their full uniform and will get changed for PE in class. PE kits are to come in every Monday and will be sent home every Friday to be washed.  Remember outdoor PE kits can be worn as the weather becomes cooler.


Reading books will be sent home every day, please spend time reading with your child each night, remember to leave a comment each time you read with yout child. 

Outdoor Adventures 

Coming soon. 



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