Oak Class 2024 - 2025

Oak Class - Mrs Eley and Mrs Griffin-Jones (Y5/6)

Welcome to Oak Class!

My name is Mrs Eley and I am one of the teachers in Oak Class.  I have been at Halebank C of E Primary School for nearly twenty years and have taught across all age ranges, but have spent most time in Key Stage 2.  I thoroughly enjoy seeing the children mature and develop their skills, such as independence and resilience in preparation for their exciting journeys ahead.  I love Maths and have been Maths Subject Leader for a number of years.  I am also History Subject Leader, Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Subject Leader, Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL).  In my spare time, I enjoy suporting my two sons in their extra-curricular activities, running and baking.  


My name is Mrs Griffin-Jones and I am one of the teachers in Oak Class.  I have been at Halebank for over five years and I previously completed my NQT year here. I enjoy teaching Science, as I love observing how children investigate problems and develop a desire to find out more.  I love seeing how children develop in all aspects of learning and how much more independent and self-assured they become when they move from KS1 to KS2.  I am DT Subject Leader.  My interests include reading, travel, running, crochet and following my son's and Widnes Vikings' rugby games.



Our Class PE is on Friday

PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday morning and kept in school until Friday home time - occasionally we might have to swap a PE session.  Children also need their trainers every day for the daily mile. 



All the children have been given a reading book and the children are expected to read at home each evening. Reading books and logs should be brought back into school EVERY DAY, so they can be checked.  Thank you for your support with this. 

Spellings and times tables will be given out on Monday and should be practised ready for a test on Friday. These sheets can be kept at home. 

Children can practise their spellings at home on Spelling Shed. For Maths, they also have home access to Times Table Rockstars and Freckle (log in details are in their reading logs).

Children are given a piece of English homework (SPaG.com) and maths homework (linked to classwork) on a Monday - this should be completed by Friday morning.

Thank you for your continued support :-) 




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