
Halebank Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled Primary School for whom Halton Local Authority is the admissions authority. For information regarding admissions policies and how to apply, please visit the Local Authority webpage.

Admissions and the Equality Act 2010

Admissions are covered by the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act applies to all schools. Schools must not discriminate against disabled children and young people seeking admission to the school as pupils.

In Year Admissions: Applying for a change of school

Outside of the normal admissions rounds, parents/carers can apply for any school, at any time, even if the school does not currently have places available*.

Following an update to the School Admissions Code 2021, the following processes are now in place in Halton for in-year admissions:


Applying for a transfer to a Halton Primary School

Parents/carers wishing to apply for a place outside of the normal intake round in September, or for a place in all other year groups, should read the appropriate guidance notes on the first page of the application form and make contact with their preferred school (s) to discuss place availability in the requested year group (s). You can then complete the application form and return it directly to your preference school (s).

PRIMARY SCHOOL In-Year Common Application Form 

Following the update to the School Admissions Code 2021 all primary schools in Halton have now agreed a new Fair Access Protocol. ​Please see the ​Primary In-Year Fair Access Protocol​ for information regarding this process.

If you are applying for a place at a school outside of Halton you will need to contact the admission authority for that school for information on how to apply. Applications to schools outside of Halton cannot be made on the Halton application form and the Primary In-Year Fair Access Protocol does not apply to schools outside of Halton.

Requests to educate outside of normal age group

For parents of summer-born children (those born between April 1st and August 31st), wishing to make a formal request to educate their child outside of their normal age group (i.e. they start Reception class in 2025 instead of 2024), please complete and return this Defer Primary Application form to before the deadline of 15th January 2024. You should read the DfE guidance Summer Born Children: Starting School – Advice for Parents before making your decision.

Your preference school(s) will be contacted and a decision will be made in the best interests of the child at the earliest opportunity.​

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‘Let your light shine’

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