

At Halebank C of E Primary school we believe that Music is a vital part of our daily routine and therefore should be embedded in every aspect of school life. Our aspiration is that all children develop a love and appreciation of Music. We believe that it is important for all our children, from Early Years to Year 6, to have the opportunity to perform in a variety of contexts; whole class Music lessons, whole school Collective Worship, performances for parents as well as performing at The Brindley Theatre. We recognise how Music can develop children’s confidence and resilience and through a variety of musical games, songs and instruments aim to achieve this. The children have lots of opportunities to perform and showcase their singing talents at events across the year, The Infant Music Festival, HPAN (Halton Primary Arts Network) and Young Voices.

We aim to provide the children with exciting and practical Music lessons every week. Through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being. We also provide an opportunity for children in KS2, who express an interest in Music, to learn how to play an instrument. These sessions are taught by our Music specialist teacher Andrea Price who before going freelance taught in a secondary school for 11 years as head of performing arts and head of sixth form. Andrea now works as a  music consultant doing  instrumental teaching and workshops aswell as some consultancy. 
She has a PGCE in secondary education aswell as a BA hons in music and maths and an LTCL in music.


“Music can change the world.” — Ludwig van Beethoven

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