School Uniform
DFE policy on school uniform
It is for the governing board of a school to decide:
- rules around appearance
- whether there should be a school uniform policy and if so, what that should be
- how the uniform should be sourced
These duties are placed upon all governing boards by statute to ensure that school policies promote good behaviour and discipline amongst the pupil body.
We strongly encourage schools to have a uniform as it can play a key role in:
- promoting the ethos of a school
- providing a sense of belonging and identity
- setting an appropriate tone for education
By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes. If, however, the uniform is too expensive it can place an unreasonable burden on families. Furthermore, if a distinction can be made between those who can afford it and those who cannot, this can reduce the benefits of a uniform and has the potential to negatively impact attendance, access and participation, and lead to bullying.
Parents should not have to think about the cost of a school uniform when choosing which school(s) to apply for. No school uniform should be so expensive as to leave pupils or their families feeling unable to apply to, or attend, a school of their choice. Therefore, schools need to ensure that their uniforms are affordable.
Halebank C E Primary School Uniform
Uniform can be bought from Boydells in Widnes, either in the shop or ordered over the phone. It is also available from
Boydells and will have uniform available all year round making it easy for parents and the school. We prefer every child to at least own a sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on. Other items with the logo on are also available. The uniform providers also stock additional items approved by the school such as book bags and fleeces.
If you would prefer, school uniform can be purchased at a shop or supermarket of your choice. The colours of the school uniform are as follows:
- Navy blue cardigans and sweatshirts
- Royal blue polo shirts
- Grey skirts, pinafore, trousers or shorts
- Summer dresses should be pale blue checked and worn in the Summer Term only
School shoes throughout the year should be black and suitable for playtimes, trips and events where the children are representing school.. Black trainers are allowed if they are smart, but boots are not permitted.
PE kit consists of a round necked T shirt in royal blue and blue shorts. Joggers are acceptable when the weather is cold. PE kits are available at the named suppliers. Plain items can also be purchased at a range of supermarkets.
If there is ever a problem with purchasing school uniform please come and speak to us and we will help if we are able. We do have some stock of pre loved items in school.