Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well so they can provide calm, safe and supportive environments which children and young people want to attend and where they can learn and thrive. Being taught how to behave well and appropriately within the context they’re in is vital for all pupils to succeed personally. Many schools successfully create environments in which behaviour is good and pupils
can learn and feel safe. For all schools, establishing and maintaining high standards of behaviour is not only vital in ensuring that teachers can deliver the curriculum, but also plays a critical role in ensuring that the school is a safe environment for all pupils. The behaviour policy should be aligned with the school’s legal duties and standards relating to the welfare of children. All staff should be aware of the measures outlined in the school’s behaviour policy and how they should implement these measures - this is one of the key systems in place in schools which supports safeguarding.3 It is essential that all staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities (DFE).
At Halebank C E Primary School behaviour is good. We learn and grow together in a safe, calm, stimulating and respectful space. We value good manners, kindness, respect and tolerance and we teach the children about how to manage their fears and frustrations and how to understand the views and opinions of others. Our policies are based around our Christian Vision and Values and go beyond the minimum Government expectations for behaviour in schools:-
a) the school has high expectations of pupils’ conduct and behaviour, which is commonly understood by staff and pupils and applied consistently and fairly to help create a calm and safe environment;
b) school leaders visibly and consistently supporting all staff in managing pupil behaviour through following the behaviour policy;
c) measures are in place and both general and targeted interventions are used to improve pupil behaviour and support is provided to all pupils to help them meet behaviour standards, making reasonable adjustments for pupils with a disability as required;
d) pupil behaviour does not normally disrupt teaching, learning or school routines. Disruption is not tolerated, and proportionate action is taken to restore acceptable standards of behaviour;
e) all members of the school community create a positive, safe environment in which bullying, physical threats or abuse and intimidation are not tolerated, in which pupils are safe and feel safe and everyone is treated respectfully;
f) any incidents of bullying, discrimination, aggression, and derogatory language (including name calling) are dealt with quickly and effectively.