Subject Ambassadors

We have been developing our new curriculum and have appointed student ambassadors for each curriculum subject. Our subject ambassadors were chosen because of their passion for the curriculum area, as well as the effort they have put into the subject as recognised by their teachers.

Subject Ambassadors represent our pupils and allow them to be the spokesperson in how the curriculum subjects are taught across the school.  Subject Ambassadors are the link between their class peers and the leads.  The aim is for our ambassadors to accompany the subject leads on their learning walks and help monitor work from across the school with them. This enables them to develop their understanding of how their subject is being taught throughout our school and therefore be able to make more informed contributions and be the voice for their subject to visitors and governors.

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Maths Ambassadors PE Ambassadors MFL Ambassadors
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Music Ambassadors D&T Ambassadors History Ambassadors

Love Hope Community Compassion Courage

‘Let your light shine’

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