Parent Governors

A parent governor is a representative parent and should vote on issues at meetings in the best interests of the school and according to his/her own conscience. It is rewarding. You will give back to the school and help shape the budget and influence policies which will impact hundreds of young people, not least your own children if they attend the school.

Parent Governors are elected by and from the parents and carers of students at a school. Staff Governors are elected by and from teachers and staff at a school. The governing body appoints Co-opted Governors. Foundation Governors are appointed by the foundation bodies of voluntary aided (faith) schools.

People cannot be a parent governor if they are a local councillor, or if they are paid to work at the school for more than 500 hours in a year. School staff cannot be local authority governors.

What makes a good parent governor?
Always represent the school positively. As a governor, you are one of a group and must never act alone. Always support the decisions of the full Governing Body. Have your say on decisions in meetings, and vote in the way you wish, but then support the outcomes of the vote, even if you disagree with them.
Currently at Halebank C E Primary School we have two parent governors on the board.
Mrs Rachel Oasgood Mr Phillip Webb

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