Beech Class 2024 - 2025
Beech Class - Mrs Bennett (Y3/4)
Welcome to Beech Class!
My name is Mrs Bennett and I am the class teacher in Beech Class and the Deputy Headteacher. I have enjoyed teaching at Halebank C of E Primary School for many years and I am passionate about reading and helping children discover a love of reading. I also particularly enjoy art and like to get involved in arts events in school and further afield. My own hobbies include walking, reading, watching football and discovering new places.
Mrs Gibson is the teaching assistant in Beech Class
Our Class PE is on Monday and Friday. Please bring your PE kit into school on these days.
Times Tables and Spellings are given out on Mondays, in preparation for tests on the following Friday. Children have also been given log in details for Spelling Shed, Freckle and Times Tables Rockstars. We encouraged children to access these regularly. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about this.
Children are expected to read each night for approximately 15 minutes. Parents are asked to record the pages read at home in the reading record and children are to bring in the reading record and their book each day.
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