Fox Howl



Delamere, which was formally a Youth Hostel, sits in the heart of Delamere Forest and it is well known for its homely appeal.

Our Delamere Centre is ideally located for immediate and safe access to several areas of Delamere Forest, without having to walk along busy roads. We work alongside Forestry England to provide activity areas in the local natural surroundings. Our centre and the area allows for activities such as orienteering, den building, survival skills, pond dipping, environmental games, forest art and walks during which pupils can study animal habitats and the different flora and fauna of the forest.

Children as young as reception age to Key stage 2 visit Conway Centres: Delamere for what may be their first stay away from home. The centre also lends itself to day visits, focusing on the forest environment and easily accessible, but exciting, activities.

Friday 24th November - Saturday 25th November 2023

Y2 children stayed at Fox Howl outdoor centre in Delamere Forest. We had lots of fun taking part in different activities. Day 1, we completed an orienteering activity, had a night time walk in the forest with our torches and sang songs around a camp fire. We even had some free time to play on the playground. Day 2, we went for an explore around the forest and then made dens using various natural materials found in the forest. It was such a busy 24 hours but we had lots of fun and enjoyed every minute.

Love Hope Community Compassion Courage

‘Let your light shine’

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