Hero Hike for Claire House

Claire Bear and Emma came to visit us in school and joined us for an assembly where we learnt lots about Claire House and what they do. Emma talked to us about the children and families that they help at their centre in Liverpool. We asked Emma and Claire Bear lots of questions to help us understand more about the charity.

Our School Council, Sport Ambassadors, Wellbeing Ambassadors and teachers decided to volunteer for the Hero Hike to help raise some money for Claire House. They went to Delamere Forest on July 4th 2024 and walked, ran, rolled and cheered their way around the course, having lots of fun on the way. Our children had got lots of sponsorship from friends and family and managed to raise £306.20 for Claire House. We are very proud of them all!!!

Love Hope Community Compassion Courage

‘Let your light shine’

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